
Showing posts from August, 2020

parliament of india

  Parliament Of India State of the Union Pig Parliament  Art 79 : Exaltation of Parliament - President, Loksabha, Rajyasabha.   Art 8o : Rajya Sabha, Upper House of Parliament Maximum Number - 250 consisting of 238 member states  and 12 by President  Currently 245 members . Art 8o (3): Election  Art  83 (1): Its member for 6 years and one-third of the members retiring for 2 years   The age of 30 for  2 Rajya Sabha member .  The Chairman gives his memorandum to the Deputy Chairman and the Deputy Chairman gives his resignation to the Chairman.   Lok Sabha , [the house of parliament] :-The first house of the Parliament of India, the election of all the members of the Lok Sabha was made directly by Anata Bara, in 1970, the Lok Sabha's term was twice for 1 year.   Maximum No. 552, 530+ 20 + 2. Art 331  For the current 545 member,  Lok Sabha member can be elected by the President before 25 years of age f...